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mercoledì 12 novembre 2008


Nel mondo ci sono tante persona che non hanno nulla da fare!!! Non ho altre spiegazioni..... Questo Tentativo di Frode Telematica è davvero bizzarro. Un uomo "Mohammed Romaric" , ci contatta dall'America.... nooooo Dal Burkina Faso per donarci una sua personale somma di denaro ($13,200,000.00) da investire. Il 32% ovvero (US$4,224,000.00) sono per noi!! mentre il 5% ovvero {US$660,000.00}, dovranno essere donati ad una associazione caritatevole per aiutare donne bambini e disabili.
Tutto ciò è davvero molto triste.

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 11:47:29 +0100 From: Subject: ATTENTION PLEASE ATTENTION PLEASE

Dear friend,
I assume you and your family are in good health.
My name is Mohammed Romaric and I am the Foreign Operations Manager for the African Development Bank Group here in Burkina Faso.

This being a small world in which it can be difficult to make new acquaintances, and because it is virtually impossible to know who is trustworthy and who can be believed, I have decided to place my trust in you after much fasting and prayer. It is only because of this that I have decided to confide in you and to share with you this confidential business.
In my bank there resides an overdue and unclaimed sum of thirteen million two hundred thousand United States dollars ($13,200,000.00). When the account holder suddenly passed away in a private jet crash , he left no beneficiaries who would be entitled to the receipt of these funds.

For this purposes, i have found it expedient to extradite these funds to a trustworthy individual with capacities to act as foreign business partners. Thus i humbly request your assistance to claim this fund.
On the transfer of this fund in your account, you will take 32% {US$4,224,000.00} as your share from the total fund, 5% {US$660,000.00}, will be shared to Charitable Organizations, Motherless Babies homes, disabled helpless people in both our country as the balance will be for me. Please if you are really sure you can handle this project, contact me immediately I am looking forward to read from you soonest.

Yours faithfully,
Mohammed Romaric

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